Monday 20 December 2010


I have gone to Italy and back, in just the time it took to eat this italian styled waffle at Kafé Elvebakken. On Saturday, my mum and I went to see Pushwagner's exhibition at Gulden Kunstverk (see earlier posts), and afterwards we had lunch at the café next door. As I have shared in an earlier post (see link above), they serve a norwegian speciality, the waffle, with a twist. On Saturday they had an italian styled waffle on the menu. It contained ham, crème fraîche, pesto and salad. Yum!! I'm definitely going back for more! Check out their menu here!

1 comment:

  1. Det høres så koselig ut, og bildene passer så fint til opplevelsene dine.
    Ha en fin jul!;)
